Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Shrove Tuesday ( time to eat pancakes)

Here I am trying to turn the pancake over in the pan ( :
I did manage but JM missed the moment , experts get them high in the air then catch them ...not me they usually end up on the floor !....well this one was ok and edible ; )


Mike said...

There's an annual pancake flipping race in Liberal, Kansas and another in Olney, England. I had forgotten all about it until I read this post, so I went and looked up the "news" about it all.

(Liberal is also the self-proclaimed home of Dorothy, she of Oz fame)

My sis and her ex once lived in Dodge City and on the way to visit them me 'n MY ex would stop in Liberal to eat, then sometimes stop at the Dalton Gang museum in Meade, Kansas. (always was fascinated by the two-headed calf)

I love pancakes, but due to my diabetes, I have to avoid them. I've looked at mixes and think even the whole wheat kind would be too many carbs, even considering the fiber offset. -sigh- Plus, sugar-free syrup is pretty bad.

-double sigh-

I've got some little heart-shaped pancake/egg molds, but haven't used them in years (and years and years and years)

-triple sigh-

Mike said...

Your kitchen is really clean, btw.

Really, REALLY clean compared to mine. I've got some sort of science project goin' on in my fridge; I'm trying to find a new strain of penicillin. (that's my story, anyway)

There's something in there that's a green lump, and I'm not for sure if it's new cheese or old meat.

Alison said...

LOL...Oh Mike when are you going to book a trip to the Island of Aphrodite and see if you can find that elusive Love that is out there someplace waiting for a guy like you who has a heart of gold , great personality and a 'mucky kitchen ' that she can come and clean up ...... : )
hey I would love to have those egg moulds if you want to get rid of them !
Oh thats a shame your diabetes restricts a lot of yummy goodies being consumed ....well i will work on my cooking skills and see if there is someway to produce a suitable one for you ...Greeks may be useless in many ways but their cooking methods are Brillint and they can produce some amazing dishes from the most unlikey ingrediants....